My New Site

Hi Drunch family,

I have a brand new project going on over at my personal site. It's all about exploring why I like the things that I like.

In short, if you liked what I wrote for Drunch, chances are you'll like what I'm doing there. Drunch will continue to live on the internet, but I won't be posting any more updates here for the foreseeable future.

Thanks, as always, for your support!


I'm Still Writing Words - An Update

It has been a bit, hasn't it?

This post is mainly for you fine folks who are still subscribed (read: forgot to unsubscribe) from email updates. Hello again!

My purpose? To let you know that the writing I have been doing—that hasn't appeared on this site—is still real. And, in fact, a bit of it has just been published in this collection of short stories by Littoral Books. Yippee!

I'll actually be appearing in a Zoom reading + Q&A, alongside some of the other fine authors in the collection, on May 26th at 7pm EST. If you'd like to hear audible words come out of my mouth—rather than just reading them on a screen—you can sign up for that *FREE* event right here.

While I can't promise anything, I have had some ideas kicking around in my noodle that feel right for this space. So you may see some new things popping up, here and there. And, of course, thank you deeply for your support.



I’d like to start by describing a scene. You, a hypothetical 30-ish-year-old, have a job. This job makes you successful, in that you’re making your own way. You generally enjoy the people you work with. You’re qualified for your position. You can eat out and enjoy time off. But something is missing. Something about your day job smacks of capitulation—you feel as though you’ve somehow given up.

The Ten Most Portland, Portland Restaurants

While this is kind of a top ten list — it provides ten places in a rough order of which I'd want to visit over another — it is not a definitive list of all Portland has to offer.  It is an attempt to solidify which restaurants form the constellation of Portland-only standouts that make this peninsular city the gem it is. Meaning, which places contribute most to making our wee Portland's food scene the lauded one that we know and salivate over.

Portland, ME - The New Slogan

Portland unveiled a refurbished slogan in 2013, "Portland, ME. Yes. Life's good here." I do not love it. Not only is this slogan vague and oddly pleading — needing to affirm itself before the thought is even stated, "Yes. You like Portland. Yes?!" — its halting structure catches on the tongue. I'm guessing the runner-up option was, "Portland, ME. Sturdy. Indeed, a goodly-fine city. Very nice thank you."

Since I have already reviewed Portland as favorably as one can, I thought I'd throw a couple slogans of my own out there to see if any stuck.

Below, enjoy nine, Drunch-approved slogans, mocked up and ready to be appropriated by the greater Portland community. You're welcome!



J/K I knew it was Wednesday.

However, this week's Drunch requires more careful consideration and crafting. This is good for you RE: quality. This is good for me RE: time.

In the interim, have a great Memorial Day Weekend and I'll spy you back here next Wednesday with a brand spanking new Drunch.